Tuesday 23 September 2014

Total Greek Yogurt Advert

Textual analysis:

From the beginning of the advert it is clear to the audience what type of setting us trying to be created.

The filter used on the camera along with classic brick housing in a countryside backdrop gives you the impression of a classic greek village.

The clothes worn by the characters are meant to be similar to clothes that would be worn by villagers in the countryside and are designed in a very old-fashioned manor. The characters are also seen speaking in a greek dialect with classical greek music being played throughout.

Townspeople can be seen in the trailer riding horses which suggest that we are in a completely foreign country and/or timezone.

A complete lack of any modern technology in these shots further suggest that these scenes take place in a classic, isolated area in the countryside or a different timezone.

More characters and props are shown to show the location and time as we can see in this shot a woman dressed in the same clothing as the other women in this village is using classical means to clean her clothes.

This shot is interesting because it shows us that this is not a typical town as you can clearly see because they keep live animals in the town centre with what seems to be a butcher getting ready to slaughter the animal until the boy takes it. This obviously would not happen in any modern town so this further adds to the evidence that this is not a simple modern town.

Here we see the boys reward for his journey in the form of a yogurt. Since this is an advert it is supposed to show off the product and it does this while keeping with the classic greek style because they present it in a wooden bowl with fresh fruits that gives the audience an incite to the contents of the yogurt.

in the final shot of the trailer we can see a woman answer a phone with the tagline appearing saying "unchanged since 1926". it becomes obvious to the audience that this setting has intact been set in a modern setting  presented in an old village setting in order to show the audience that everything has remained the same form 12926.

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