Tuesday 20 January 2015

Representation of Sexuality

The scene begins with as medium shot of the two women. We can see one of the women with her arms on the shoulders of another woman. This tells the audience that the two are very close since it appears that one is helping the other get changed and it shows the strange relationship between the two. A close up shot is used to show the two characters. As a result we can see the facial expressions of the two characters and from this we can see that something is unusual from the facial expression of the character in the back of the shot. We can see that she has feelings towards the other as a result. We can begin to hear the character as she begins to narrate by saying "she looked so beautiful". This confirms that the woman does have feelings but is trying to keep them hidden. The outfits of the characters suggest that the scenes take place in a time where women were more reserved and dressed in a way that does not reveal much of their body, this explains why the woman must keep her feelings a secret because they were not as accepted during these times. A cross fade is used to transition the scenes into each other as she begins to narrate about the reasons in which she loves her. A medium shot is used when the two are featured on a bed. The camera begins to slowly zoom as the hand of the woman goes further down. This is used to build the tension of the scene as it continues up until the hand can go no further and the scene transitions. Throughout these scenes we can here non-diajetic sounds of music playing. The music is very romantic and it allows the audience to realise the strong feelings that the woman has towards the other.

The scene and music changes as we are introduced into an everyday setting. A close up of the woman shows that she is in the middle of painting while a medium shot of the woman laying down with a reaction shot of the painting character is used to show that her attraction is distracting her. The time between cuts continues to decrease as the music picks up in order to show the tension of the scene rising. The camera focuses in on the on the ground more tightly to show her becoming more distracted. A longer time between cuts is used when focusing on the male character in order to show his suspicion towards the woman. When the woman says "wake her she'll burn" we are shown her caring for the other female character and how she feels protective over her. The tension begins to build as the cut time between shots reduces once again the camera begins to zoom closer onto intimate areas of the woman body as the shots progress. This shows her becoming increasingly distracted until the male character begins to notice her feelings. The tensions builds further as the pitch of the music heightens and the cuts between shots become sharp. A close up shot of the woman's face shows her feelings in full effect as she is unable to take her eyes off her. She eventually notices that she has been caught and the music begins to slow into a suspicious sound. The shots become sharp once more when he grabs her, the short time between cuts show the sudden potential danger that the male is showing to the woman.

The man is placed above the woman in the scene as he takes her to the tree. This shows that he as a heterosexual male is being presented to have authority over the woman. The music begins to build as the man attempts to force her to marry him to show the tension building within the scene. Her body language within the scene shows that she is repulsed by him as he begins to lean in. This sequence is kept in one shot and uses a tilt to show his movement. The pace of the scene is kept slow in order to reflect how uncomfortable and unbearable this scene is for her character. The music begins to build through the scene in order to further show how uncomfortable the character is. A medium reaction shot is used to show her face as and body language as she is disgusted by the male. The music begins to fade out with the scene into another where a woman can be seen undressing. The soothing music acts in contrast with the previous scene as we can see that the woman is more comfortable in this situation than she was with the man. Slow-motion and long amounts of time between shots are used in order to reflect her comfort with this person. A few quick shot changes are used as she climbs into bed with her. The music also builds to show the tension begin to build as she struggles to hide her feelings towards the other woman. A final close-up shot is left for a long period in order to show how she is resisting the urge to look at her.

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