Tuesday 3 February 2015

Ill Manors

Ill manors is a British film that was released in 2012. The film had an estimated budget of £100,000 with an overall box-office gross of £453,570 after eight weeks. The film was successful as it was able to make a sizeable profit from its low-budget. The success that the film received can be largely attributed towards the marketing and promotion that allowed the film to become popular.

The film was rapper Plan B's first attempt at making a film and was promoted to be looking at a Broken Britain. This hard-hitting genre of film is quite appealing to British audiences so it was important that the film was able to market and promote the film in a way that reflected its tone. A large part of the films initial promotion was headed by Plan B as he released an album named Ill Manors prior to the films release. The album was largely successful and was able to build up an already large fan-base. The film was created in order to further promote the album further and as a result draw his fan-base in to watch it. The album was also used as a soundtrack for the film. This was an extremely successful way of promoting the film even before production had begun. Both the album and the film were able to gain an enormous amount of attention from this.

The music was used to further promote the film as footage was used from the film in the music video. This allows Plan B's fan base to witness some of the film though his music and expand the audience while saving money that would usually be used to advertise. Low costing publicity was gained from the use of film festivals from around the world. This allowed the film to reach a broader audience and gain some positive reviews and praise from fans that could be used to further promote the film. Ill Manors was also able to win a number of awards at these film festival that would all be beneficial to the increasing popularity of the film.

The posters that were released for the film gave audiences their first glimpse at the film. The poster featured one of the main characters holding a gun in his hand in a London background. Dark and gritty colour tones are used to reflect the serious tones of the film. The use of the gun is a clear indicator to the audience of the themes that are going to run throughout the film. The poster features a number of critic reviews to promote some of the positive feedback that the film had received in a way that allows audiences to see.

Trailers were released and used to promote the film that were able to reflect the tone, genre and style. The trailers featured songs from Plan B's album that are used to promote the Ill Manors album and film. The film was further promoted through social media websites such as Facebook and twitter. This was responsible for a large amount of promotion for the film as it received over 30,000 likes on Facebook and thousands of followers on Twitter, all for no cost. The film even had a website that would be updated with the latest information and trailers. By using the social media websites the film was able to appeal to a wider audience of many different ages by setting up fan pages and using hashtags to promote the film. Posters of the film were posted on these websites that used positive critic reviews to make the film seem more appealing to audiences.

The films' premiere was another extremely useful tool in the promotion of the film. This allowed the cast to be interviewed and individually promote the film. Celebrities were also invited to attend the premiere. This was useful because celebrities have large followings and they can use social media websites such as Twitter or Facebook to leave their positive feedback. This then leads to a wider audience to hear about the film and its positive feedback. Critics were also able to attend the film premiere and the film was further praised with  generally positive feedback that would be released to the public in the form of newspaper articles and web reviews.

In conclusion, Ill Manors was a low budget film that ultimately reduced the possibilities for the ways that the film could be marketed. As a result a number of low-budget methods such as social media and film festivals had to be used in order to gain a larger audience and positive feedback. The film was greatly aided by Plan B's fan base but further marketing and promotion was essential in the rise to the popularity that the film ultimately achieved.

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